Friends of Sierra Madre v. City of Sierra Madre (2001) 25 Cal.4th 165
In its first case focusing on the application of CEQA to historic resources, the California Supreme Court held that "[t]he applicability of CEQA to historic structures is made clear by Public Resources Code sections 5020.1, subdivision (j), 21084, and 21060.5."
Writing for the unanimous Court, Justice Marvin Baxter explained that an initiative measure proposed by the City Council to remove properties from Sierra Madre's historic register required environmental review to consider impacts to historic resources. The initiative was set aside.
Amici curiae supporting the Friends of Sierra Madre's successful enforcement of CEQA included major environmental and historic preservation groups and California Attorney General Bill Lockyer, who attended the argument. Deputy Attorney General Christine Sproul argued the case in the Supreme Court along with Susan Brandt-Hawley.
The City of Sierra Madre was in turn supported in the Supreme Court by scores of California cities and the Building Industry Association.
